Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How To Rob A Bank. Part 3

Subject: Fiction
Average Reading Time: 00:15:00
Origin: How to rob a bank 1 and 2.
Word Count: 2500
Warning: Like the first two parts, this text is littered with naughty language.
How To Rob A Bank.
Randy J Medeiros
Part 3

“The note will drive everyone out of the library before we set off the bomb via detonator.

“No one gets hurt.

“Now in order for this to work to our benefit, we have to time it just right.

“Sure a terrorist act is enough to keep every cop in the county busy, but, it has its draw back’s. If we don’t time it just right, it could backfire.

“The next morning, both the bank, and the library open at the same time. Nine am. Now if you guys remember, I worked for that library for two months last summer. After they unlock the doors, turn on the lights, prep the computers, and start a pot of coffee, they check the drop box. While I was there, it always came around the same time of morning. Nine thirty am, the same time the fast food manager at the bank brings out our money.

“We have to be outside that library, pointing in the direction of the bank, at no latter than nine twenty. At that time, no one will be out to find anything suspicious.

“We wait to see people running out, - there should only be two employees at that time - then detonate the bomb. With the employees outside, we can be sure no one is in the office just incase the bomb breaks the window or something. Better safe than sorry when working with explosives.

“When the people evacuate the building, the first thing they are going to want to do, is call the cops. Setting off the bomb will ensure not only that, but also add to the farce, and keep the cops acting out their roles, not to mention, plenty of attention from the neighborhood diverted away from us.

“We will now have five minutes or less to get in the bank, get our money, and get out safe.

“Why? Because in the next five minuets after the bomb goes off, every cop in town will be looking for suspicious activity, every school will be closed down, every media outlet alerted, and, every bank.”

Andy’s mouth suddenly went dry and he criticized himself silently for not getting a glass of water before beginning. He worked what little spit he had in his mouth around with his tongue, swallowed hard, trying not to grimace, then went on.

“It won’t just keep the cops busy. Everyone and their Grandmother will be glued to their TV’s, internet connections, and radios, for the rest of the day. With all those heads turned, everything is up for grabs.

“OK. Almost everyone in the car will have their own fake pistol. The driver will not. All the driver needs, is a good makeup job, the keys, and a watch. The passenger in the front will have the detonator. The two guys in the back will have nothing but their guns, until we get to the bank.

“We pull in the Allen street entrance, and park facing the Rockdale exit. Everyone gets out at this point, and the driver opens the trunk.

“The driver, and his passenger, grab the spike strips and signs. The two from the back seat grab the black bags, the smoke bomb, and the length of rope.

“While the driver, and the passenger, set up the strips and signs, -- making sure that the strip for the Rockdale side is behind the getaway car, not in front of it -- the other two go into the bank to begin crowd control.

“In the bank, one collects the employees from behind the counter, the other collects any customers. All people in the building are brought to the center of the room and told to keep their hands on their heads, and their ass’s on the floor.

“By then, the two men outside will be finished with there respective duties. The driver gets behind the wheel, double checks to make sure the transmission is in drive so he doesn’t back over the spike strip and fuck our getaway, while the other goes into the bank to control the group of customers and employees while the other guys, grab the cash off of the cart, and bag it.

“With the lot boarder by signs, extra costumers will stay away, and with the entrances guarded with spike strips, any cop that comes in, sure as fuck won’t be able to leave with four flat tires to chase us down.

“Now for safety purposes, all stacks of money have to be separated. One, or more stacks of cash on that cart may be booby trapped. When the pack leaves the bank, it explodes, and splatters everything with a bright colored ink. So, the guy with the zip-lock bags starts handing them off to the guy with the empty bag, starting with the loose ones. The guy with the empty bag will separate as many stacks as he can into separate baggies. When we leave the bank, even if the booby trapped money blows through the bag it’s in, the rest of the cash will be safe and snug in its own baggie. Clean as a whistle.

“By the time we finish off the loose baggies, one duffle should be full of money. The guy with the full bag then takes the shopping bag of baggies, and the two reverse rolls.

“Now, we will be on a time limit. If we can’t fill both bags with cash, don’t sweat it. But, whoever has the shopping bag in the end has to remember to keep it for latter.

“This entire plan is an act of complete greed, so I hope the greed ends there. What I mean by that is, when the driver blows the horn outside to let us know we have twenty seconds left, whatever gets left behind, gets left behind. Nobody asks for more time, and nobody asks for vault access. Time to leave, means time to leave.

“When the horn blows, the bag men head for the front. On their way, the man with the bomb, and the rope, hands them off to the crowd man. When the bag men are clear, the crowd man sets off the smoke bomb, wait’s a few seconds - no more than five - for a good cloud, then leaves the building, tying the door closed in his wake.

“With the only exit locked up, no one can leave until the cops get there. With the cops busy as hell at that moment, it gives us more time to haul ass. The smoke bomb will keep everyone in the building half blind. That gives us more time before they can find a phone, or set off the silent alarms. And by the time one of them accomplishes that, we should be at, or leaving, the car wash.

“Next, the bag men should already be in the back of the car, ducked down, cleaning up their makeup, and changing their clothes. The crowd man hop’s in the passenger seat, and the driver cuts across Rockdale, cuts through the 7-11 parking lot, then takes the back roads all the way to the car wash.

“I’ve timed the drive from the 7-11 to the wash as best I could, and it should only take three minutes, so whoever is in the back has to get changed quick.

“At the car wash, less than ten minutes should have passed, the cops will be busy as hell with our diversion, and most likely receiving a call from a recently robbed bank. At that time, the two clean men in the back will get out. One will take the stolen tags off of the car, and put my tag on the back, and then put my registration on the driver’s seat. The other, will take the empty back packs from the trunk, throw them in the back seat, then, take the quarters, pump them into the wash, and change the cars color back to normal.

“Again, we have to be quick. Although the media will already be covering our fake terrorist act, we can’t chance any loss of time, or, being caught in the middle of a shady act.

“While the two clean men are changing the car, the other two will get in the back, duck down, and clean themselves up just like the first two.

“The second pair of men should be clean by the time we leave the wash, then, while still in the back seat, they can stuff all the money evenly into the empty back packs. Next, they can stuff all of the evidence - robbery clothes, dirty face towels, makeup remover, etc - into the empty duffle bags, and put the guns, the stolen tags, and the detonator, into the plastic shopping bag.

“The shopping bag goes into the river on our way to the getaway ditch spot, -- it will be heavy enough to sink to the bottom -- the duffle bags get torched after we ditch the car, with the rubber gloves along with them. All of the gloves!

“If all goes well, we will now look like four kids, driving down the street, in my car, and probably listening to the radio to find out if we have to go to school after terrorist attacked a library in our town.

“We’ll be in the south end when we leave the wash. We’ll head north along the water so we can ditch the shopping bag, and then continue north toward the warehouse district.

“There are plenty of abandon warehouses around there, but I’ve staked a few out already. If I’m not driving, I’ll give directions.

“We’ll park behind the buildings on the south side. We’ll take my tag, and registration, put the originals back on just incase, then walk along the back of the buildings.

“It’s important to put the tags back on the get away car. A car without tags draws quicker attention. A car with tags is just parked, and we don’t want the cops to find it until we’re out of town.

“Along the back of the buildings, we stop at a barrel -- trust, there are lots -- were we see ashes from one of the local homeless gang’s camp out, and burn the black bags and gloves. We wait long enough to know the shit is toast, which shouldn’t take more than five minuets or so, then douse the flames so the burning doesn’t look to recent if the cops find the car early and decide to search the area.

“Finally, we walk to my car, replace the tag, change out clothes for money, and drive away clean. We’ll be nothing more than a couple of kids on their way to Cancun for spring break.

“If we follow the plan from A to Z, we’ll be in my car and out of town by ten am, before the local police force can start blocking the exit roads.

“But, we’re not entirely out of the woods yet. We have to take a few extra precautions on our way to Mexico, and afterward.

“First up, we have to find out if we caught the ink pack, or if the fast food bank manager decided to leave it behind because it took up too much room on his cart, which I think is very likely.

“Second, we have to dispose of said ink pack. I would say we could do it with the black bag fire, but I don’t know how it will burn, so we’ll do it out of state on our way to Mexico.

“Third, we take all the clean money out of the plastic zip- lock baggies, count it, and divide it evenly into the four back packs at a quiet truck-stop near the border, or, somewhere similar.

“No hotels. No stopping over night until we cross the boarder. Too risky.

“We should be in Mexico sometime around Sunday night. This, if my calculations are on point, is Daryl’s eighteenth birthday. Happy birthday to him huh?

“We stop for the night, then once a day, we change one bag of money from American, to Mexican, via local drunks, or homeless. We can spend a little money now with a bit of safety, but lets not go ape shit with it. Remember what it’s for guys.

“We change our currency back to American dollars before we come home, then sit on it till after graduation.

“If we come back to the states with more cash then we left with, there will be suspicion. And, clean or not, we sit on it.

“After graduation, we take the clean cash on another trip.

“We head to Las Vegas, drop the cash off in a safe place like a bus stop locker, -- so we don’t get tempted -- have a wild ass time, come home, and say we won it all, little by little.

“After that, the money is clean, and accounted for. We are free to invest it, and take a big head start into our futures.”

The room was silent. No one spoke for nearly three minutes. Brian sat quietly staring at his feet. Daryl was smiling, but his head was turned away from the group, his mind caught in the reverie, and happy that his friend had thought of everything for him. Chris, slack jawed, mouth a gape, was the first to speak.

When he broke the silence he said, “Brilliant.” Then paused for a moment. “Brilliant,” he exclaimed again. “Fucking brilliant. I mean… how a guy with a C and B average came up with it is beyond me, yet still… fucking brilliant.”

“Good to hear,” Andy said. “Well, I’m sure you guys will have some questions, but I have to get a glass of --”

Brian cut him off, holding his hand up to tell him to wait, and stay seated. He said, “So that’s what you’ve been up to for the past three weeks,” while slowly shaking his head.

“Yea,” Andy answered a bit surprised by Brian’s reaction.

“Well… that, and getting everything ready. I already have magnetic strips on my rear plate, I got the toy guns from the flea-market last week, made the spike strips, signs, I even have quarters for the wash, and, the makeup remover. It’s just…” He trailed off.

“What?” Chris asked with alarm. “What’s missing?”

“I still need a gallon or two of paint for the getaway car,” Andy answered.

“Well then,” Brian said, rising from his seat. “You can go over the plan again in the car.”

Andy looked up at his friend in pure terror, eyes wide, sweat breaking out on his brow, completely convinced his friend wanted to hear the story one last time, before turning him in to the authorities.

But Brian, clapping his hands together and addressing all of them in the basement asked, “Who wants to take a ride to Home Depot?”

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