Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How To Rob A Bank. Part 2

Subject: Fiction.
Average Reading Time: 00:15:00
Origin: How to rob a bank part 1.
Word Count: 2000
Warning: More foul language for an unknown reason.
How To Rob A Bank.
Randy J Medeiros
Part 2

“OK, here it is.” And put his notebook on the table and opened it. Everyone leaned forward and saw the crude drawing of a familiar intersection and some scribbles that made little sense. “I was at the movies a few weeks ago, and over heard these two old bags talking about their shit jobs, and their shit boss’s.” They were the only ones in the house, but Andy still dropped his voice to a near whisper before going on. “At first it was annoying. All they talked about was ass grabbing and dirty jokes, but then, one of them starts talking about policies. Bank Policies.

“She works at this bank,” He tapped the drawing in the book. “She says her manager has been breaking the rules. All the right rules.

“Nowadays banks take very precautious steps to ensure less money is lost in the event of robberies. One of them, involves no longer using a little cart to refill the money for each teller. The managers used to lock themselves in the office, open the safe, fill the cart with specific amounts, then one of the tellers would walk it out, and disperses the cash. That doesn’t happen anymore. Now, the manager stays in the office, refills small box’s with money for each teller individually, then the tellers have to go and get them, one by one. At the bank we are going to hit, the manager still uses a cart.

“Now hold on to your ass’s fellas because it gets a hell of a lot thicker than that.

“You mite think a couple of tellers probably wont have that much money on them, and you would be right, but this asshole manager takes rule breaking to the extreme.

“During a normal Friday the banks get real busy around noon. Everybody comes in with their pay checks wanting money. Rather then follow the rules and have each teller run to the office to re-up, or, have one teller go in and get the cart, this guy fills it up and makes the rounds himself. The lady in the theater said he used to be a fast food manager and can’t stand when the lines get held up. All this means, whenever the tellers get low, he leaves the office, and every one of the banks employees is in the same room. This is plus number one. Plus number two is the first of every month.

“The first of the month is normally run just like a Friday, but when it falls on a Friday, the cart doesn’t double, it triples. This bank has been known to go through close to a hundred thousand dollars in cash by three o’clock when the first falls on a Friday because its location is between the rich neighborhoods, and the poor.

“The manager fills the cart to the fucking brim, disperses the cash box’s to each teller himself first thing in the morning, then does it again at about one o’clock. This means, when a Friday comes on the first of the month, and the bank opens, there is a lot of cash right out front.

“Every morning when they open, there are only four people in the building. One floater, one drive thru teller, one teller in the front, and the manager. At nine thirty he brings out the money before the loan managers come in. That’s when we hit them.

“We may have to deal with a customer or two, but that shouldn’t be a problem. Most bank customers that come in that early are old anyway, and probably just there to make a deposit. That means more cash for the grab, should we want it.

“That’s all of the body’s accounted for in the mornings. They don’t even have the guard come in until eleven am, and the drive-thru opens at the same time. Easy pick’ns.

“The building itself is a simple lay out. They don’t have glass at the counter, there are two offices in the front, but those aren’t used until the loan managers come in at ten, and the rest is one, big, open room. They have one of those rope mazes in the middle, and then there is the counter that separates the teller side from the customer side. No sweat.”

“O my god,” Brian yelled. “No sweat he says. Piece of fucking cake right? Walk right in and just push that little cart out the front door without a care in the god damn world. Brilliant man. Until the cops get there and rope our stupid ass’s.”

Andy held up his hand; palm out, to say he had more to say. Chris and Daryl were nodding there heads to each other, obviously impressed so far. Andy wanted to wait a little longer before laying out the game plan. Brian was laughing at him, and he wanted him to sober so he could listen properly.

Before Andy could continue, Brian spoke up, still laughing, and said, “Look man. I know it all looks easy, but you are talking about robbing a bank here. I’ve seen enough movies to know it aint that easy, and it sure as shit aint that safe either. Plus, all that money, all that hassle, catches up with people real quick.”

“I say,” Chris broke in, “before we can say yay, or nay, we hear the plan.”

“Why not man?” Daryl asked Brian. “It’s better than bowling.”

Brian laughed, leaned back in his seat, and held out his hand for Andy to continue.

“Perfect,” Andy said, while rubbing his palms together. “We are off to great start.” He stopped rubbing his hands, and opened his notebook to another page. Written out in a mix of short, and long hand (and looking more like a mad mans scroll) was the endless list of supplies and instructions for the job at hand. “First up,” he continued, “is the get away car. I’ve found three. They all look like mine. Same paint, same make and model. They all belong to elderly men, and I’ve chosen them for several reasons.

“One, they go to bed early, and wont know the car is gone until morning. Two, they keep their cars engine, and paint, in peek conditions. All of this is essential to the plan.

“We steal the front plate from a random car somewhere on the other side of town, and then we do the same to another car only with the rear plate. Next we paint the stolen car. We need a dull color that won’t catch too much attention, like grey or dark blue. We use a latex based house paint because it doesn’t stick well to clear coat car paint with a good wax job, and, comes right off with a quick pressure wash.

“Next, we take the tags and registration from the painted car and shove them under the driver’s seat. The stolen, mismatched tags are then placed on the front and back of the getaway vehicle.

“The rear tag, as well as the registration, from my car, will be in the glove box. After the main job is completed, we change the color of the car back to its original state, remove the mismatched tags, and put my tag on the back. This way, when we’re driving around town to ditch the stolen getaway car, any cop that pulls us over will think it’s my car, and, after the fact, if anything bad goes down, it will be traced back to me leaving you guys in the clear.

“Just to keep you calm, I should let you know that if everything goes according to the plan, no one should get caught.”

“Didn’t you get caught jacking it in the girl’s bathroom last year?” Daryl asked.

“That was me,” Brian answered for his friend with his defenses high. “And I wasn’t jacking off, OK? I got a BJ from Emily and decided to wash of my gear in the sink. That’s it.”

“Yea. Whatever helps you nod off in bed pal.” Chris joked.

“I- Was not- Jacking-” Brian spat slowly, then stopped.

Andy cut Brian off by holding up his hands. “No one cares,” He said. Brian gave Daryl the finger. In return Daryl lifted his own finger with one hand, a fist with the other, and then pushed his finger in and out of his curled hand. Chris laughed at his brother’s gesture, and Brian punched him in the shoulder.

Andy sighed, yet again, but continued as if no interruption had been made. “My car,” He raised his voice, then returned it to a normal tone once attention was obtained, “will have to be parked at least one mile away from ware we ditch the getaway car. I’ve staked out a few good spots in the abandon warehouse district that should suffice. We can pull it into a spot ware no one will notice the missing tag from the back. In the trunk there will be four back packs with enough clothes and toiletries for four people, for one week. Those four bags, will match the four bags we use to hold the money after the job. My car will be fully fueled, and wait for us in that spot over night.

“The stolen car, after it’s been painted and loaded with supplies, will stay in my garage over night. With my Dad away on business, and my mother afraid of the garage after dark, it will be safe and sound.

“Now. As I go through the list of supplies, I would appreciate if the class held on to all of their question until we’re through. All questions should be answered as the plan progress.” Everyone nodded. Brian’s nod was a little more reluctant then Chris and Daryl’s, but Andy did not mind. He expected it to go something like this.

“Good,” Andy said, then picked up his note book and began to read all of the supplies.

“Under the drivers seat we have the cars original tags. Under the passenger seat we hide clean face clothes with make up remover, a change of clothes for all four of us, and quarters for the car wash.

“In the trunk, we’ll have the four matching empty back packs, two black duffle bags, one home made smoke bomb, three Co2 powered BB guns that have been modified to look like real 45 caliber pistols, matches, lighter fluid, two home made spike strips, two signs that read ‘Do Not Enter.’ - ‘Bank Under Construction.’

“Inside the two black duffle bags are, one plastic shopping bag with fifty empty zip-lock baggies, in the same bag there are also fifty loose zip-lock baggies, and finely, one short length of rope.”

Andy paused, took a deep breath, and when he continued, his attitude changed from playful and confident, to serious and cold.

He leaned forward again, placing his elbows on his knees, then said, “Alright ladies. Listen close, cause this is ware shit gets crucial.

“This Thursday is the final day of this month. The following day is the first of the next, and yes, a Friday. That’s when we hit the bank. The following Monday is the beginning of spring break, so, if we don’t act now, we’ll never see another opportunity like this.

“On Thursday night, around eleven o’clock we boost the car. At that time of night, the owner will be in bed, watching the news, or both. It will only take two men to boost the ride, then paint it.

“The other two, will steel some tags, and plant the diversion.

“In order to keep the cops busy while we commit our crime, we’re going to have to do something big. Something drastic. So, from beginning, to end, everyone wears high quality rubber gloves, and, use different gloves for different crimes.

“We are going to fake a terrorist attack on the library up the street from the bank.”

Everyone grunted in unison after Andy’s last remark, but he barreled into the rest of the explanation, knowing that if he talked quick, he could win them back.

“Calm down. I said fake an attack. I’ve made a small pipe bomb, and stuck between some hollowed out books. It won’t make anything more than a pop and maybe a little smoke if the paper in the books catch fire. That’s about it.

“We plant it around the back of the library beneath the office window. Old books lying around a library shouldn’t draw any particular attention over night. In the drop box, we put a note that says books are the path to building infidels out of America’s youth.

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